Tuesday, February 12, 2013


What kind of mammals live in Antarctica do you know? Weddell seals? Leopard seals? Killer whales? ...  Week 3 is witten about mammals live in Antarctica.

○Weddell seals
           Weddell seals live in Antarctic zone. They range the most southern area. They spend much of time on Antarctic ice. Their life span is about 30 years. They make a life near their birthplace till they die.
           Weddell seals have a body length of about 2.5-3.0m and weight of 400kg. They are carnivore. They eat sardires, cods, Cepholopod, and krill. They can keep diving about one hour. they have twe style of diving.  One is ling diving. It keep diving more than 20 minutes. This diving is called " search diving " , they look for another breathing hole. Another one is short diving for eating. it keep diving no more than 15 minutes, but sound over 200m. There are times when they dive over 600m.

○Leopard seals
             Leopard seals is the fewest species of seals live in Antarctica. They have a body length of about 4m and weight of 450kg. Foods of they eat is various. They eat krills, penguins, other seals, fish, and Cephalopods. Through spring into summer, the most important food for them is broods of penguins that reach breeding season snd another seals. Leopard seals dive quite shallow. It isn't deep of 50-60m. And they don't keep diving more than 2.6m.

○Killer whales
           Killer whales is the biggest species of Delpinidae. They have the most characteristic and bright markings among other whales. They have a body length of 10m and caudal fin that is 2m. Killer whales can swim at high speed. They sometimes come into the surface of the sea where is waterway and fast ice; ice lake. they eat minke whales, seals, fish, cuttlefish, penguin, baleen whale.

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